Agricultural - Crops (0100)
Agricultural - Livestock (0200)
Agricultural - Chemical (2870)
Auto Repair Shops (7538)
Beauty Shops (7230)
Beverage & Bottling (2080)
Bread Bakery (2053)
Building Construction (1500)
Cafe/Sandwich Shops (5810)
Canned/Cured Fish & Seafood (2091)
Car Washes (7542)
Chemicals & Products (2800)
Coin-Op Laundries (7215)
College/Vocational (8220)
Commercial Fishing (0910)
Commercial/Power Laundry (7211)
Cookies & Crackers (2052)
Dairy Product Distribution (5143)
Dairy Product Processing (2020)
Dentist Offices (8021)
Drinking Places (5813)
Electronic Equipment (3600)
Fish & Seafood (5146)
Fruit & Vegetable (2030)
Furniture & Fixtures (2500)
Gasoline Stations (5541)
Government/Civic Service (9000)
Gravel, Stone & Glass (3200)
Grocery Stores (5411)
Hospitals & Clinics (8060)
Hotel with Eating (7011)
Hotel without Eating (7012)
Industrial Laundries (7218)
Laundry Agents (7212)
Leather Products (3100)
Linen Supply (7213)
Live/Work Lofts (9994)
Lodging Houses with Eating (7041)
Lumber & Wood Products (2400)
Machinery & Computers (3500)
Manufacturing (2000)
Meat Packing (2011)
Meat Products (5147)
Medical Offices (8010)
Membership/Religious Organization (8600)
Metal Coatings (3470)
Mixed Use 50%+ Non Residential (9993)
Mixed Use 50%+ Residential (8812)
Movie Theaters (7830)
Museum/Art Gallery (8400)
Nursing Facility (8050)
Office Buildings (6800)
Oil/Fats Rendering (2077)
Paint Manufacturing (2850)
Petroleum Refining (2900)
Photo Laboratory (7384)
Physical Fitness (7991)
Poultry Processing (2015)
Poultry Products (5144)
Prepared Fish & Seafood (2092)
Prepress/Desktop Publishing (7374)
Printing & Publishing (2700)
Printing Inks (2893)
Pulp & Paper Products (2600)
Residential Hotel with Eating (7013)
Residential Hotel without Eating (7014)
Restaurant/Kitchen (5812)
Restaurant/Kitchen with Grease Reduction (5816)
Retail Bakeries (5460)
Retail Trade (5200)
Rubber & Plastics (3000)
Sausage Manufacturing (2013)
Schools (8210)
Services (7000)
Soap & Sanitation (2840)
Textile, Apparel & Fabric (2200)
Transport & Utility (4000)
Veterinary Services (0742)
Wholesale Bakery (2051)
Wholesale Trade (5000)